
921 Earthquake Earthquakesgave people many damages

being in the earthquake zone

people in Taiwan shouldget used to frequent earthquakes. There are many earthquakes happenedeverywhere in ever year. There were a large earthquake happened at Jiji


Taiwan in 1999/9/21

and that is the famous921 earthquake. Now I will introduce it for you. At year 1999 September twenty-first 1:47 andtwelve seconds there was a huge earthquake called 921 earthquake happened in Jiji

Nantou. Therewere 2

415 people were killed


305 injured

and NT300billion worth of damage was done. It was the second-deadliest quake in recordedhistory in Taiwan. It occurred in Chelongpu Fault. There was a elementry schoolbeing destroyed in the earthquake. In Taipei City

far from the epicentre ofthe quake

buildings were shaken

but just one of the 12 stories building wasdestroyed.Theearthquake occour alongthe Chelongpu Fault

it is at the western part of Taiwan. The fault stretchesalong the foothills of the Central Mountains in Nantou County and Taichung County. Some sections of land near the faultwere raised as much as 7 m

and near the northern end of the fault created a 7mhigh waterfall at the earthquake.At the earthquake many houses and temples weredestroyed during the earthquake.Earthquake gave people a lot of damages

but it also gave people manythings to learn

and 921 earthquakes is a very good example.

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