sevis 901 f1用好了卻要轉學??


我本來是拿了u mich. 的 I20去簽F1已經拿到了.當初選那間是因為我的advisor講的信誓旦旦很像一付我會拿到助教的樣子. 後來我沒拿到

所以我就決定去我原本較喜歡的學校就讀.我現在的問題是1. 我的sevis號碼可以轉嗎? 還是要重新繳在辦一次?2. 如果sevis重辦

那麼我原先的SEVIS必須取消嗎?3. 如果我ㄉSEVIS改成新學校的號碼

我的F1必須重辦嗎? 我已經打電話過去AIT問過了


1. 妳可以轉換到新的 I-20 上。

http://tw.group.knowledge.yahoo.com/studyabroad-diy/article/view?aid=8(請仔細看完)2. 不用重辦


3. F-1 Visa 要重辦。

~~~~~~~~~有關 SEVIS 費用的問題

請聯絡 SEVP 專案辦公室。

請撥美國電話 (785) 330-1048 到 SEVIS I-901 費用詢問中心

或送電子郵件到 fmjfee.sevis*dhs.gov If you want to transfer the SEVIS I-901 fee payment information from one SEVIS ID number to another

you need to mail or e-mail SEVP. SEVP will consider your request and determine if the fee can be transferred. See the section on the basic rules for transferring fees. http://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/faq7.htm只要號碼換了


轉換已繳過的 SEVIS FEE不過要記得一定要去換。

http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1608071006563mailto: fmjfee.SEVIS*DHS.govPlease reply with your SEVIS ID number

full name and date of birth along with your original request. 他回我這個

親自 E-mail 妳的新舊號碼過去... 生日! 他們決定是否可以給妳轉換。






~~~~~~~For Question 3:If the student wants to study at a different school

she should first contact the SEVP office to determine if the SEVIS fee paid previously can be moved to a new SEVIS ID and should get approval for a fee transfering (or should pay a new SEVIS fee). The student should then follow the same procedure as that for first-time applicants to apply for a new F-1 visa. Sincerely

Non-Immigrant Visa Unit Consular Section American Institute in Taiwan 7

Lane 134

Xin Yi Road

Sec 3


Taiwan www.ait.org.tw 美國在台協會領事組非移民簽證科(就是要重新申請新的 VISA -- USA 愛賺錢)

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